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Our Recent Studies

Our research team conducts high-quality clinical research published in good PubMed-indexed journals. Some of our recent studies are listed below.

Stem Cell Research Papers

Complete Lasting Reversal of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome from Intravenous Umbilical Cord Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Infusion 

Published in American Journal of Stem Cells in August 2024, Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages 222–224

Chadwick Prodromos, Keanne Jabbarzadeh, Mark Hirmiz

Abstract: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) presents distressing symptoms and stands as a primary cause of infertility. Currently, treatment options are limited to symptom management. This article presents a case study of a patient suffering from hair thinning associated with PCOS, treated with intravenous and subdermal injections of umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stem cells (UC-MSCs). Remarkably, following treatment, the patient's 14-year history of menstrual irregularities and hormonal imbalances completely resolved, alongside the disappearance of ovarian cysts, with these improvements persisting for well over a year. Given PCOS's recognized inflammatory nature and the potent anti-inflammatory properties of UC-MSCs, we propose inflammation modulation as the likely mechanism of action. Further exploration is underway, actively seeking additional PCOS patients to ascertain whether similar therapeutic effects are reproducible or if this case represents an anomaly. This case underscores the potential of stem cell therapy as a revolutionary approach to PCOS management, addressing symptomatic relief and potentially underlying pathogenic mechanisms. The sustained clinical benefits observed advocate for comprehensive investigation into the efficacy and mechanisms of stem cell therapy in PCOS management...

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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Infusion is Consistently Effective in Improving Autism Behavioral Parameters and EEG Metrics

Published in Journal of Autism Research in April 2024, Volume 2, Issue 1, Page 1004

Chadwick Prodromos, Tim Royer, Mark Hirmiz, Keanne Jabbarzadeh

Abstract: Background:  Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) produces troubling behavior and affected one in every thirty-six children in 2020. There is no cure and no reliable treatment. Intravenous Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) infusion has provided efficacy in limited prior studies...

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First Report in a Human of Successful Treatment of Asthma with Mesenchymal Stem Cells: A Case Report with Review of Literature 

Published in Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy in December 2022, Volume 18, Issue 7, Pages 1026-1029

Joshua Sharan, Amir Barmada, Nicolas Band, Eliana Liebman, Chadwick Prodromos

Abstract: Introduction:  Asthma is a heterogeneous disorder characterized by chronic airway inflammation resulting in obstructive pulmonary symptoms. In preclinical studies, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have demonstrated the ability to ameliorate the symptoms and immunologic pathways seen in asthma...

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Review of the Published Literature Confirms the Safety of Intravenous Infusion of Mesenchymal Stem Cells 

Published in Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy in September 2022, Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 779-786

Amir Barmada, Joshua Sharan, Nicolas Band, Tobias Rumschlag, Arwah Yaqub, Eliana Liebman, Chadwick Prodromos

Abstract: Background:  Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been shown to decrease inflammation and enhance healing due to their immunomodulatory properties and secretion of growth factors. Intravenous infusion is the most common delivery route of MSCs, and it is used for the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, with established efficacy...

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Serious Adverse Events Have Not Been Reported with Spinal Intrathecal Injection of Mesenchymal Stem Cells: A Systematic Review 

Published in Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy in September 2022, Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 829-833 

Amir Barmada, Joshua Sharan, Nicolas Band, and Chadwick Prodromos 

Abstract: Background:  Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are partially differentiated multipotent cells. They can be derived from various tissues such as the umbilical cord, bone marrow, and adipose tissue. Intrathecal administration of MSCs has shown efficacy for various neurological conditions including multiple sclerosis, autism, traumatic brain injury, and many more...

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First Human Report of Relief of Lumbar and Cervical Discogenic and Arthritic Back Pain after Epidural and Facet Joint Mesenchymal Stem Cell Injection: A Case Report 

Published in Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy in August 2022, Volume 18, Issue 7, Pages 1013-1015

Chadwick C. Prodromos, Joshua Sharan, Amir Barmada, Kenneth Candido

Abstract: Introduction:  Lumbar back pain is a multifactorial condition that is frequently caused by discogenic disease or facet joint disease, which has frequently been shown to occur concomitantly. Due to the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), we hypothesized that they would be efficacious in the treatment of spinal arthritis. Multiple studies have demonstrated that intradiscal injections of MSCs can be efficacious, however; this has not been without risk as multiple studies have described adverse events including discitis, osteomyelitis, epidural abscess, cauda equina syndrome, and inducing disc herniation. Therefore, we believe that treating simultaneous discogenic and facet joint disease can be done by directly injecting the facet joint along with epidural injection, which would saturate the disc with beneficial cytokines and immunomodulatory...

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The Aggregated Data from Normal Saline Placebo Arms of Hyaluronic Acid and Other Knee Injection Studies For OA Can Be Used as a Control Group for Single-Armed Knee Injection Studies 

Published in the International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 32-39 in May 2021 and Presented at the European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA) in May 2021  

Chadwick Prodromos, John Lotus, and Susan Finkle

Abstract: Purpose:  The treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) by injection avoids surgery when successful. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell treatments are commonly performed for this purpose. Studies of these treatments are often criticized due to lack of a control group. However, numerous studies of hyaluronic acid and other injectates report detailed characteristics of their placebo arms in which saline was injected. Any benefit seen thus represents either a placebo effect or a saline treatment effect. Here, the magnitude and duration of this placebo/saline effect is characterized so that the accumulated data can serve as a historical control group against which the effects of treatment arms of knee injection studies can be measured...

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Administration of Autologous Mesenchymal Cells for the Treatment of Arthritis 

Published in Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy in February 2021, Volume 16, Issue 8, Pages 931-938

Chadwick Prodromos, Tobias Rumschlag

Abstract: Background:  Injection of autologous mesenchymal stem cells (AMSCs) as a stromal vascular fraction, culture-expanded adipose-derived stem cells, minimally manipulated fat graft, bone marrow aspirate or cultured bone marrow MSCs, for osteo- and inflammatory arthritis have shown good clinical efficacy in many studies. Questions have been raised as to their safety despite no evidence known to us that they are unsafe when used this way. We hypothesized that AMSC injections are completely safe for the treatment of arthritis...

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Autologous Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment is Consistently Effective for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: The Results of a Systematic Review of Treatment and Comparison to a Placebo Group

Published in Medicines in July 2020, Volume 7, Issue 8, Pages 42-63

Chadwick Prodromos, Susan Finkle, Tobias Rumschlag, and John Lotus

Abstract: Background:  Numerous studies have used autologous mesenchymal stem cell injections (AMSCI) to treat osteoarthritis. We hypothesized that AMSCI is an effective osteoarthritis treatment with increasing effectiveness at higher doses...

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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Injection is Effective and Completely Safe for the Treatment of Chronic Back and Neck Pain

Posted on ResearchGate in January 2024 

Chadwick Prodromos, Mark Hirmiz, Keanne Jabbarzadeh, Ethan Cui, and Kenneth Candido 

Abstract: Background:  The treatment of recalcitrant chronic back and neck pain is a severe unsolved problem. Steroid injections are not significantly effective. Surgery is very painful, often fails, has high complication rates, and usually cannot be salvaged. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) improve healing, are anti-inflammatory and extremely safe. We hypothesized that translaminar epidural and facet MSC injection with MSC IV infusion would provide effective and sustained relief of back and neck pain with complete safety...

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Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment Does Not Result in Tumor Formation: A Systematic Review

Posted on ResearchGate in June 2024

Chadwick Prodromos, Kristian Nenchev, Leanna Pfeffer

Abstract: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have emerged as a promising therapeutic avenue for various conditions due to their regenerative properties and immunomodulatory effects. Embryonic stem cells divide more freely than MSCs, and embryonic stem cells can cause teratomas. Perhaps for this reason, and although mesenchymal stem cells have not been generally associated with tumors, there has been concern about the potential tumorigenicity of MSCs. We hypothesized that MSCs are not tumorigenic and sought to validate this hypothesis through a systematic review of the relevant literature. A search of the PubMed-indexed literature was conducted, focusing on clinical trials involving intravenous, intra-articular, intramuscular, and intrathecal delivery routes of MSCs. Additionally, studies examining the occurrence of tumor formation post-MSC treatment in humans were reviewed. Among 217 identified studies, no tumors arose due to injected MSCs, and no difference in the incidence of tumorigenesis from host tissues was found. It is concluded that properly conducted MSC treatment is not tumorigenic...

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First Human Report of Relief of Trigeminal Neuralgia after C.T. Guided Foramen Ovale Mesenchymal Stem Cell Injection: A Case Report

Posted on ResearchGate in July 2024

Kenneth Candido, Chadwick C Prodromos, Kristian Nenchev

Abstract: Introduction:  Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is an extremely painful condition that causes immense patient suffering. It is characterized by intense stabbing pain in the cheek, forehead and/or jaw. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) have demonstrated the ability to enhance healing and reduce inflammation and pain without the deleterious side effects of existing pharmacological and surgical interventions. Injection of steroids into the foramen ovale has not been associated with serious adverse events. We hypothesized that the injection of MSCs into the foramen ovale would effectively and safely treat trigeminal neuralgia...

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A Phase 1, 2a Study Showing That Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosome-Rich Conditioned Medium Is Completely Safe In Human Patients And Shows Considerable Efficacy For Neurocognitive Disorders

Posted on ResearchGate in February 2025

Chadwick C Prodromos, Arya Asoudegi, Ruby Del Villar, Rachael Valiunas

Abstract: Introduction: The secretome conditioned media of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) is an exosome rich product of MSC culture. In numerous preclinical studies it has shown complete safety instilled intra-nasally. It has also shown high efficacy for models of various neurocognitive disorders. We hypothesized that intra-nasal instillation of MSC exosomes would prove completely safe and demonstrate efficacy for neurocognitive disorders.

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AlloRx Allogeneic Umbilical Cord Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell treatment is Safe in Human Patients and Shows Efficacy for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis: A Phase 1/2a trial

Posted on ResearchGate in February 2025

Chadwick C Prodromos, Ruby Del Villar, Rachael Valiunas

Abstract: Introduction: Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) infusion has been shown in numerous clinical and preclinical studies to be safe. MSCs have also shown significant efficacy for the treatment of osteoarthritis when injected intra-articularly. We wished to evaluate normal and affected patients after AlloRx injection in a Phase One Study. The primary endpoint was safety, with efficacy as a secondary endpoint for affected patients. 

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Human Pilot Experience Demonstrating the Long-Term Regenerative Properties of Local Immunomodulation Associated with Autologous Stem Cell Therapy Treatments for Osteoarthritis of the Knee and Spine

Accepted for Oral Presentation at the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) Annual Meeting in Barcelona, Spain September 2023

Moviglia GA, Moviglia-B MT, Bolander J, Piccone S, Updike T, Vaughan W, Mahajan N, Santacoloma E, Grangeat A, Kozima J, Ramirez R, Prodromos C, Atala A, Poheling G

Abstract: Purpose:  Demonstrate that the use of tissue-specific local immunomodulation associated with autologous stem cell implantation is necessary to regenerate tissues, control symptoms, improve joint function, and sustain its effects for more than 5 years...

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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Research Papers

Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tears with Platelet Rich Plasma: A Prospective Study with 2-Year Follow-Up 

Published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22, in May 2021, Article Number 499

Chadwick C Prodromos, Susan Finkle, Alexandra Prodromos, Jasmine Li Chen, Aron Schwartz, Lucas Wathen

Abstract: Background:  Surgical treatment of full-thickness rotator cuff (RC) tears is associated with generally good results. There is no consensus regarding the treatment of partial thickness tears that fail activity modification and physical therapy. Corticosteroid injections are sometimes used but have been associated with tendon damage. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) however has been shown to enhance connective tissue healing. We hypothesized that dual PRP injection into the rotator cuff insertion as well as the area of the tendon proximal to the insertion would be safe and would result in good clinical outcomes without surgery, that the effects would last out to two years, and that results would be better with lesser tendon damage...

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Autologous Biologic Treatment with Fat, Bone Marrow Aspirate, and Platelet Rich Plasma Is an Effective Alternative to Total Knee Arthroplasty for Patients with Moderate Knee Arthrosis 

Published in Medicines, Volume 7, Issue 6, in June 2020 and Presented at the International Federation of Adipose Therapy in Marseilles, France in December 2019

Chadwick Prodromos and Susan Finkle

Abstract: Background:  Osteoarthrosis (OA) of the knee affects millions worldwide. Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) is common but associated with substantial cost and morbidity. Prior studies of intra-articular injection of fat, bone marrow aspirate (BMA), and platelet rich plasma (PRP) have shown clinical benefit. We hypothesized that injection of autologous adipose tissue, BMA, and PRP would provide significant benefit for patients with moderate knee OA resulting in avoidance of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in most, with discontinuance of NSAIDs and other drugs...

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PRP Injection of the Arthritic Glenohumeral Joint is Safe, Effective, and Avoids Joint Replacement in Many Patients at 2-8 Year Follow-Up

Presented at the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) in Berlin, Germany in June 2022

J. Sharan, S. Finkle, N. Band, A. Barmada, A. Schwartz, J. Delapaz, C. Prodromos

Abstract: Purpose:  Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injection has been shown to benefit knee osteoarthritis (OA). We are unaware of any published studies evaluating efficacy for glenohumeral shoulder OA. We hypothesized that PRP would be safe, would improve glenohumeral OA, and would result in joint replacement avoidance in many patients...

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PRP Injection Resulted in Joint Replacement Avoidance in 568 OA Knees at 3 - 7 Year Follow-Up, Even Bone on Bone 

Presented at the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) in Berlin, Germany in June 2022

J. Sharan, S. Finkle, A. Barmada, N. Band, K. Ralston, K. Bruch, K. Phelan, B. Scheuler, C. Prodromos

Abstract: Purpose:  Most knee PRP studies report only short-term results and fail to assess total knee replacement (TKR) avoidance/joint survivorship as an outcome. We wished to evaluate the efficacy of PRP at 3-year follow-up with particular attention to TKR avoidance...

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The Grashey True Shoulder AP X-Ray Accurately Reflects Glenohumeral Joints Space and Predicts PRP Efficacy, The Traditional AP Does Neither

Presented at the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) in Berlin, Germany in June 2022

A. Barmada, J. Sharan, S. Finkle, N. Band, J. Delapaz, A. Schwartz, A. Dawes, C. Prodromos 

Abstract: Purpose:  To demonstrate that the shoulder AP view radiograph does not accurately reflect true glenohumeral (GH) joint space narrowing when compared to the Grashey view...

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