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  • 6 Myths About Stem Cell Therapy Debunked

    Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can become multiple types of cells and reproduce continuously. There are two major types of stem cells: mesenchymal and embryonic. Mesenchymal stem cells have been shown potential to be useful in therapeutic procedures to treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, cancer, and osteoarthritis. As stem cell therapy has become more popular and reliable, many myths and pieces of misinformation have arisen surrounding it.

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  • Mesenchymal Stem Cells vs Embryonic Stem Cells

    Stem cells are undifferentiated cells which are defined by their ability to become multiple types of cells and their ability to proliferate indefinitely. Two of the most commonly talked about types of stem cells are mesenchymal and embryonic.

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  • Stem Cell Treatment of Neurologic Disease

    INTRODUCTION: Neurologic diseases are some of the most dreaded in existence. Like most human afflictions many of them involve inflammatory changes. For this reason stem cell treatment, which is anti-inflammatory, has shown excellent promise in treating a significant number of the most feared neurologic disorders. Often times immunosuppressive drugs are used for treatment. However these drugs have a high side effects profile. In contrast stem cell treatment has no significant side effects.

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  • Hydroxychloroquine Use is Associated With Decreased Incident Cardiovascular Events in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

    This is the title of a 2016 research paper published in the prestigious Journal of the American Heart Association. It can be found here. In their conclusions section discussing CVD (cardiovascular disease) they state “hydroxychloroquine use was associated with a 72% decrease in the risk of incident CVD in RA patients.”This is particularly important because heart disease is the leading cause of death in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

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  • Herd Immunity Tentatively Preferred by CDC Official

    This is a very interesting article in which herd immunity as seen in Sweden is compared to containment. For those who don’t know herd immunity is expected in Stockholm in about 2 weeks and then shortly thereafter in the rest of Sweden. If herd immunity can be achieved safely it has obvious advantages over containment with the possible destruction of the economy and the resulting ravages of addiction, suicide, domestic violence and economic ruin that occur with lockdown quarantine. Herd immunity relies on voluntary less severe social distancing that allow the economy to function. Herd immunity is safely possible if three conditions are met.

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