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A regular internet blog written by Dr. Prodromos describing the latest advances in Stem Cell Medicine and related topics that you can use to help improve the health of yourself and your loved ones. (NOTE: your email address is kept strictly confidential)

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  • Stem Cells Have Powerful Anti-Aging Properties

    Living longer - greater longevity - is currently an area of intense interest. Stem cell infusion is an important part of that discussion - as I will describe below. We are extremely interested in longevity, and many patients who come to us do so specifically because they want to live longer and be healthier in the process.

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  • Could Stem Cell Infusion Be the Cure for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome?

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects an estimated 8–13% of reproductive-aged women. Up to 70% of affected women remain undiagnosed worldwide. PCOS is the most common cause of anovulation, a leading cause of infertility, and can produce many troubling symptoms.

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  • Stem Cell Treatment Results in Nearly Complete Remission of Severe Scleroderma Patient

    Scleroderma is one of the most horrible autoimmune diseases. There is no effective treatment. However, we can consistently eradicate or at least greatly reduce symptoms consistently with our T cell vaccine. Please read the following testimonial from a treated patient in her own words.

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  • We Report the First Regrowth of Human Cartilage in Patients by Anyone Anywhere

    Regrowing human cartilage has always been the holy grail of arthritis treatment. While we have great success treating arthritis using stem cells to help heal damaged cartilage and decrease inflammation avoiding joint replacement in most treated patients, our treatment did not entail growing new cartilage until now. In a technique developed by Gustavo Moviglia, MD, PhD with whom we partner, new cartilage has been able to be grown and result in sustained clinical benefit in human patients.

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  • Tony Robbins Recognizes Our Work in His New Book Life Force

    Tony Robbins wrote the excellent book Life Force about advances in regenerative medicine. He is a believer in stem cell treatment and set out to evaluate various mesenchymal (not embryonic or fetal) stem cell treatment centers, including ours in Antigua.

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